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Upload Multiple Promo Codes at One Time
Alex Linebrink avatar
Written by Alex Linebrink
Updated over 3 years ago

Can I create multiple promo codes at the same time?

Yes, you can! As long as the promo codes have the same settings, you can upload a list of codes and create them all at once. All you need to make this happen is a .CSV file with your list of discount codes listed in a single column. Services like Groupon and Living Social will provide your lists of codes in this format, or you can create and manage .CSV files in any spreadsheet program.

Once you have your .CSV file, you can upload the codes by selecting Promo Codes from the Promote tab at the top of your admin area, then selecting the Upload CSV option in the left-hand sidebar.

From there select your file to upload, and enter the settings to be shared by all of the codes in this list:

  • Type: Choose either Dollars or Percent for your discount type.

  • Amount: How much of a discount do you want to give the customer? (Tip: use "100" for a 100% discount, not 1)

  • Total Allowed Uses: If you want to limit the number of times the discount can be used, enter that limit here. For instance, if you want to limit use to only 8 tickets, enter "8" here

  • Max Uses Per Order: This is the number of tickets in each order the promo code discount should apply to. When uploading Groupon or Living Social codes, it is recommended to set this number the same as Total Allowed Uses.

  • Availability: Choose whether this discount can be applied to online ticket sales, in-person ticket sales, or to have it available for purchases made everywhere.

  • Auto-Apply Quantity: NOT RECOMMENDED FOR BULK UPLOADS. If a number is entered in this field, then the discount will automatically be applied when a customer purchases at least that many tickets without having to enter the code at checkout. This means it is best to leave this field blank when creating multiple codes with the same settings.

  • Valid Start / End Date: Limit the use of these codes over a specific time period. This is useful if your Groupon or Living Social promotion has a set date range of operation. Select the day you want this promo code to become activated in the "Valid Start Date" field, and the day you want the promo code to stop being accepted in the "Valid End Date" field. Customers will only be able to use this promo code at purchase during that timeframe.

Then, select the tickets you want these codes to be good for. You can just select a venue and "Apply For All Ticket Types" to let the codes be used for anything, or you can select an event and then specific ticket types [click "Update Ticket Types" after selecting to add them].

Hit the "Submit" button, and you're done! Your full list of promo codes will be created and ready to use in a few minutes.

Groupon/Living Social example: 100% off the first 8 tickets purchased using a code provided in the uploaded .CSV file

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