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Image Uploads

Recommended sizes for your event and venue graphics

Brandon Corbett avatar
Written by Brandon Corbett
Updated over a week ago

All images must be less than 2 MB, and uploaded in either JPG or PNG format. The following are the recommended sizes and uses for each graphic.

  • Event Poster or Graphic: The event poster is the most important graphic for your event. It will be seen on the event page, customer tickets, the public event search, and also will be the graphic used if sharing your link on social media. You may upload up to 4 images for your event. Multiple event posters will display in a slideshow on your event page If multiple uploads, check the "Use as Event Poster" box for the image you want to print on customers' tickets. Square images are recommended, but 3:4 ratio (taller than wide) also fit the space well. This image will never display over 400 pixels wide, so does not need to be super hi-res.

  • Banner Image: This image will display on the event page above the title. The optimal width is 800 pixels. There is no maximum height, but it's recommended to use a more horizontal image here (200-250 pixels tall) to avoid pushing other description details far down the page. The banner image is a great way to highlight to a special promotion or a sponsor.

  • Background Image: Personalize your page with a custom background. Background images will be scaled to fit each user's screen, but generally recommend uploading an image around 1600 pixels wide and at least half that tall.

  • Sponsor Image: Uploaded in the advanced options of your venue, the sponsor image will display at the bottom of custom tickets. For the best display of your sponsor image on the ticket upload your image at 600 pixels wide by 200 pixels tall.

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