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Setting Up a Virtual Queue for Your Event
Brandon Corbett avatar
Written by Brandon Corbett
Updated over a week ago

To set up a virtual queue open the "Select an Option" dropdown menu on your event, and choose "Virtual Queues" from the list. Then, click the "New Queue" button to open the setup page with the following fields:

  • Name: For your identification, not seen by customers

  • Added to Queue Message Text: Enter a custom message to send to the customer when they check-in and are added to the "Waiting" queue. Note: the default message is, "You are in the virtual line for [Event Name]. We'll message you again once your turn is up!"

  • Ready Alert Message Text: Enter a custom message to send to the customer when they are moved into the "Ready" queue. Note: the default message is, "It's your turn to enter [Event Name]. Head to the entrance now!"

  • Automatically keep ____ people in the "Ready" queue: Enter a number here to automate the process of moving groups from "Waiting" to "Ready". This will move over the next group as soon as space is available, but the event staff can still override and manually move groups.

  • Allow Guests to Check Themselves In: This option will allow guests to check themselves in from their ticket, meaning you won't need staff to scan them in.

  • Require Guest to Be At Venue Location To Check In: Use this option in conjunction with allowing guests to check themselves in if you want them on-site before they can join the "Waiting" queue.

Select Ticket Types to Include in This Queue:

("Purchasers of the following Ticket Types will be added to this queue:")

Check the boxes for the ticket types that will be added to this queue. If you have multiple attractions, this allows you to set up separate queues to handle each attraction by selecting only its ticket type(s).

β˜… Select Ticket Types to Highlight and Prioritize:

("Purchasers of the following Ticket Types will be marked with a VIP star in this queue:")

If you have prioritized ticket types like VIP or Fast Pass, check the boxes next to them here. This will add a star (β˜…) next to the group name in the virtual queue making them easy to identify. You can then drag the groups with a star next to their name to the top of your queue to prioritize them.

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