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Social Discounts
Brandon Corbett avatar
Written by Brandon Corbett
Updated over a week ago

How do “Social Discounts” work?

We know that some of the most cost effective advertising these days comes through social media. Because of that, we’ve designed Passage to be the most social-friendly service out there! Like most services, Passage allows users to share any event page via Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and other social media services. But unlike most other services, we also give you the ability to incentivise that sharing!

With the best current online ticketing services, the user is asked if they’d like to share their purchase of a ticket after they have already purchased. Because the user has to allow a post to be shared on the network, this rarely happens except with the most loyal customers. While it’s impossible (and against all social network terms of service) to actually force a user to share their purchase, we’ve come up with another way to drastically increase sharing rates: social incentives! With Passage, you have the option of giving a discount to any user who shares your event. If a discount is set, then when the user goes to the checkout page, they’ll see a box prompting them to share your event for a discount. If they take 5 seconds to click the share link, they’ll receive the discount (instantly reflected on their transaction total). It’s simple, but effective since it’s actually part of the checkout process rather than after it.

To set up a social discount, head over to your Manage Events page and select "Social Discount" from the Select an Option dropdown menu on your event. This will open the page to set this up. Then, fill in the options on screen with the settings you want:

  • Name: This will be used by you to monitor the social discounts use in your reporting.

  • Type: Choose either Dollars or Percent for your discount type.

  • Amount: How much of a discount do you want to give the customer? (Tip: use "20" for a 20% discount, not 0.2)

  • Total Allowed Uses: If you want to limit the number of times the discount can be used, enter that limit here. For instance, if you want to limit to the first 100, enter "100"

  • Max Uses Per Order: This is the number of tickets in each order the promo code discount should apply to. Leave blank if you want it to apply to all tickets in order.

  • Social Instructions: Customize the text customers will see prompt them to share your event. By default this is, "Share this event with your friends to receive a discount!" But you can change this to whatever you think will catch your customers' eyes!

  • Social Link: Set the webpage the shared link will send people to. By default the link is set to the event page to encourage their friends to purchase tickets, but if you would rather they land on your website, social media profile, or any other website, you’re welcome to set that instead.

Make sure to select the "Enabled" checkbox, then hit the "Create Promo Code" button. Once you've created the code, you will be able to choose which ticket types the promo code can be used on. Select the checkbox next to a ticket type to assign the promo code to this ticket type; deselect the checkbox to not allow the discount to be used on it.

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