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Daily Breakdown Report
Brandon Corbett avatar
Written by Brandon Corbett
Updated over a week ago

The daily breakdown report is a quick way to check the sales or redemption numbers by individual ticket types or products by date. The report lists your ticket types or product variants across horizontally, each in its own column. The top row in the report displays the totals for the date range being viewed. Each row below that shows the numbers for a single date with the most recent dates shown first. You can also toggle between total number sold (Quantity) and dollar amount (Price).

To generate a daily breakdown report select the desired parameters in the filters at the top, and hit the "Submit" button.

  • Start Date:  The first date in the range to look up.

  • End Date:  The last date in the range to look up.

  • Time Zone:  Make sure this is set to your local time zone

  • Event/Product:  Select the event(s) or product(s) you want to see. Note: multiple options can be selected.

  • Payment Types:  Leave blank to show numbers for all payment types, or select the specific options you want to see.

  • Status: Sold On, Sold For, or Redeemed On
    - Sold On will show the numbers purchased on those dates
    - Sold For will show the numbers for use on those dates
    - Redeemed On will show the numbers actually redeemed on those dates

After generating the report you can click the "Export CSV" option to have the report emailed to you. That CSV file can be opened and managed in any spreadsheet program.

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