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Promo Codes
Alex Linebrink avatar
Written by Alex Linebrink
Updated over 2 months ago

Can I create discount codes for customers to use?

Absolutely! We allow any number of discount codes to be created. Discount codes can be for either dollar amount or percentage discounts. Promo codes can also be applied to an entire order, or you can limit the number of tickets per order to use it on. So, you could have have the code “GIVEME5” give a customer $5 off their entire purchase, while the code “SHOUT20” could give a customer 20% off each ticket.

Promo codes can be set to apply for all ticket types at a venue, or you can select specific ticket types from individual events. Below are the steps to create your promo codes, and the settings you have available.

First, click the Promote tab at the top of the admin area and select "Promo Codes" from the listed options. This will take you to the page to create a new promo code. Fill in the options on screen with the settings you want to use:

  • Type: Choose either Dollars or Percent for your discount type

  • Amount: How much of a discount do you want to give the customer? (Note: use "20" for a 20% discount, not 0.2)

  • Code: Enter the code for customers to submit to apply the discount. Codes can consist of letters and numbers only. This will not be case sensitive.

  • Total Allowed Uses: If you want to limit the number of times the discount can be used, enter that limit here. 1 use = 1 ticket. For instance, if you want to limit use to the first 100 tickets, enter "100". If left blank, the uses will be unlimited.

  • Max Uses Per Order: This is the number of tickets in each order the promo code discount can be applied to. 1 use = 1 ticket. Leave blank if you do not want there to be a limit.

  • Availability: Choose whether this discount can be applied to online ticket sales, in-person ticket sales (by your staff on the app), or to have it available for purchases made everywhere.

  • Minimum Quantity: Set up group discounts! Enter a number in this field, and at least that many tickets in cart will be required in order for the discount to be applied.

  • Auto-Apply Discount: Use this in conjunction with Minimum Quantity for automated group discounts. When this option is selected the discount will automatically be applied when a customer purchases at least that many tickets (note: if minimum quantity is blank, this will apply to any number of tickets). When auto-apply quantity is used, customers will not need to submit the promo code during online checkout.

  • Valid Start / End Date: Want to offer a discount only over a specific time period? This option lets you do that! Select the day you want this promo code to become activated in the "Valid Start Date" field, and the day you want the promo code to stop working in the "Valid End Date" field. Customers will only be able to use this promo code at purchase during that timeframe. Leave the fields blank for the code to always remain active.

  • Include "Ticket Fee" in Amount Discounted: Selecting this option will also apply the discount to an additional Ticket Fee amount set on the ticket type. This will factor in more with percentage discounts (i.e. 100% discount). If you want the ticket fee to be charged in every case, leave this box unchecked.

  • Stackable: Selecting stackable will allow this promo code to be used with other discounts, so the customer can apply multiple discounts per order. Not selecting Stackable will limit the customer to 1 discount per order.

  • Enabled: Select the "Enabled" checkbox to turn on the code (or uncheck to turn off the code)

Assign Valid Ticket Types

Start by picking a venue from the dropdown menu. Then, you can either:

  • Select the "Apply For All Ticket Types" checkbox to allow the code to be used with every ticket you offer currently, or new tickets you offer in the future.

  • Select an event from the second dropdown to only allow the code to be used with specific events or ticket types. After selecting an event, pick the checkboxes for the ticket types you want the code to be good for, and click the "Update Ticket Types" button to assign them.

Assign Valid Products

Start by picking a venue from the dropdown menu. This will display a list of products associated with the venue. Pick the checkboxes for the products you want the code to be good for, and click the "Update Ticket Types/Products" button to assign them.

To finish setting up your code click the "Create Promo Code"button. You can return to edit a code any time from your Manage Codes page.

We track the number of times every discount code is used, so you can see which code (or marketing campaign) worked the best! This can also be a great feature for setting up “referral” tracking. For instance, let’s say you come to an arrangement with a blogger that you’ll pay them $1 for every ticket that is sold based on their blogging. But how can you be sure a sale came from them? Give that blogger a special promo code to use, and tally up the number of times it’s used to make a purchase!


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